Daniel Tobok

Chief Executive Officer

Daniel Tobok is equally a veteran and visionary of cyber security, intelligence and resilience.

Daniel’s expertise spans nearly three-decades, with a historical track record second to none. With over ten-thousand cyber attack reviews, thousands of successful recoveries, reclamation and restoration missions to his credit; his record is emboldened by hundreds of experts on his side, covering millions of miles of threat and leveraging trillions of data points of collective genius, wisdom and data.

Following three equitable exits, Daniel maintains an emboldened understanding of the cyber security risk curve, Daniel spent years analyzing, data-forming and crystallizing theories, strategies and architecture to optimally respond and annihilate the inescapable cyber crisis facing C-suite executive’s, their staff, stakeholders and shareholders.

This gave rise to his very own, urban cyber security and intelligence philosophy: Daniel defines Cyber Certainty™ as the new standard for stakeholders to think respond from when it comes to cyber concern, crisis or circumstance causing chaos.
Today, as the founder and CEO of CYPFER, the world’s fastest growing cyber certainty business, he leads as the Chief Intelligence Advisor of the Global Cyber Intelligence & Affairs project, aggregating research, data and analytics on the future of cyber security.

With offices in five countries, Daniel is unapologetically determined to be THE global standard for cyber security thinking and strategy leveraging the codification his 25- years+ demonstrating professional prowess in his soon to be published book Cyber Certainty: The Future of Our Digital Existence & Extinction (release date Spring 2024).

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