Cyber-Crime Now Faces Seasoned Veteran Heavyweight, Again

Cybersecurity Thought Leader and Guru Daniel Tobok, Re-Enters The Game and Acquires CYPFER

TORONTO, ON – May 17, 2022 – CYPFER headquarters announced it has entered a definitive agreement to be acquired by Toronto/Miami-based cybersecurity pioneer, innovator and entrepreneur Daniel Tobok.  Upon completion of the transaction, CYPFER will continue to be a privately held company as it enters the ring of battle against cyber-crime.

Jason Kotler, Founder and President of CYPFER, said, “this transaction will deliver substantial growth and expansion of our service offerings; it’s an opportune path forward for CYPFER’s team to become a global emergency response leader.”

“Daniel Tobok is one of the industry’s top leaders and a cybersecurity veteran with an unbeatable ability to combine threat, business intelligence, reputation and result driven mindset to deliver innovation in the time of a global digital pandemic.  Under Daniel’s leadership, CYPFER is bound to continue and surpass our expectations on all fronts, while focusing on delivering the professional response services that our clients and partners have come to expect and demand,” continues Kotler.

“I am excited to continue in my role as President, leading and growing our cyber-extortion and ransomware response advisory services, and collaborating alongside Daniel and our first-rate team to propel CYPFER forward,” says Kotler.

“Cyber-Crime has become rampant, truly a digital pandemic where everyone is a potential victim,” says Daniel Tobok. “With its global reputation, CYPFER’s first responders are perfectly positioned to become the premier global emergency response leader; mitigating the costs of recovery and post-breach remediation as they currently hinder businesses financially, and unapologetically,” says Tobok.

And timing couldn’t be brighter for Tobok.

In light of President Joe Biden signing the Better Cybercrime Metrics Act into law. The measure, which received bipartisan Congressional support, represents the latest step by the U.S. Federal Government to help fortify various aspects of the country’s cyber defenses. The new law establishes requirements to improve the collection of data related to cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime. The new law comes in the midst of rising concerns and warnings about increased cyberattacks by Russia in response to the U.S.’ support of Ukraine.

CYPFER is reimagining cybersecurity.

According to CYPFER’s corporate website, the company’s leadership looks to reinvent and elevate the net result for customers, taking into account first, the incalculable financial risk to a company under a cyber-attack.  The website cites ‘Ransomware’s true intrinsic cost is established by accounting for total downtime of the company, executive, leadership and operation.  In addition to the amount of time required to recover, damages sustained reputationally and opportunity loss due to loss of confidence among staff, clients, customers, suppliers, partners or industry participants; CYPFER is committed to both edifying these financial risks and equally minimizing them.’

Tobok plans to publish a proprietary approach that will embody the ‘futurization of cybersecurity and intelligence’ creating a new standard fused with comprehensive and innovative methodologies to help companies optimally respond to cyber-attacks.

“Operational disruption and financial fractures are intolerable realities for companies caused by cyber-threats and attacks.  Shareholder values, stakeholders, staff, employees and customers are all impacted by these unavoidable threats. The only response must be swift, smart and scientific measuring minutes and not taking hours, days or weeks.  Our business plan for CYPFER is to be optimally responsive and immensely agile so to complement the existing network of extensive compliance and regulatory processes that demonstrate depth of expertise, unwavering effectiveness and ultimate resolve achieved through a collaborative process that is free of friction and compromise and rich with expertise that is committed to our clients’ desired net result,” concludes Tobok.

Under the terms of the agreement, the acquisition details were not disclosed.


CYPFER is a global market leader in cyber-extortion and ransomware post-breach remediation and cyber-attack first response.  CYPFER’s service portfolio includes:

The company provides 24/7 service to businesses, organizations, and governments any time on a global scale.  CYPFER combines deep experience in structured, exceptionally creative and threat intelligence enriched negotiation techniques to deliver results that far surpass market statistics for cyber-extortion and ransomware events.  CYPFER’s team of cybersecurity professionals works with prominent global insurance carriers, leading law firms and Fortune 1000 organizations.

CYPFER’s clients are diverse and include SMB and publicly traded businesses from all sectors including financial, manufacturing, distribution & logistics, legal, insurance, professional services, educational institutions, research facilities, healthcare, governments, public infrastructure, and not-for-profits.

Founded in 2019, CYPFER is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The company employs 40+ individuals and has immediate plans for 30 new hires in Q3, 2022.  short-term plans for CYPFER include adding leading-edge technologies and infrastructure to serve markets in the U.S.A., Canada, Caribbean, South America, and Europe.

For further information 

Daniel Tobok
[email protected]

Jana Schilder, Public Relations.

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